
Do you want to be inspired? Here are a few things for you to download and read. I hope you get inspired and enjoy it.




Wining is everything (whoever said otherwise probably lost). Which makes business a serious game. You can either win or lose, and beieve me: it is much more fun to win. So what does it take to win? That’s the question asked each and everyday in practically all businesses around the world. And the answer is far from obvious.


Read this whitepaper and be inspired by Theodore Levitt, Peter Drucker, Jack Trout and other acclaimed management gurus on how to win.




Whether we like it or not the world is changing at an increasing pace and the faster your surroundings change, the faster you need to change as well. And you might as well admit that the battle for market shares – and, ultimately, survival – is not won by the biggest companies, but by the fastest movers.

Unfortunately there are many obstacles to change. These can essentially be boiled down to lack of leadership and poor strategies. Read this whitepaper and be inspired by professor John Kotter and other acclaimed management gurus on how to make change.